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tr abc 123 < file1 > file2
# 32 JMJS    11.4.11 16:07

tr [-c] [-d] [-s] [string1] [string2]

-c Complement the set of characters specified by string1.
-d Delete all occurrences of input characters that are specified by string1.
-s Replace instances of repeated characters with a single character.
string1 First string or character to be changed.
string2 Second string or character to change the string1.


tr -s '[a-z][A-Z]' '[A-Z][a-z]' <input_file >output_file

echo "12345678 9247" | tr 123456789 computerh
:this example takes an echo response of '12345678 9247' and pipes it through the tr replacing the appropriate numbers with the letters. In this example it would return computer hope.

tr -cd '\11\12\40-\176' < myfile1 > myfile2
:this example would take the file myfile1 and strip all non printable characters and take that results to myfile2.

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115  [make] .PHONY JMJS 24.3.28 34
114  [make] -n -d -r --debug=b JMJS 24.3.28 38
113  magick convert -rotate -append JMJS 23.10.12 67
112  dirname JMJS 23.3.20 129
111  zip a.zip -r ./a JMJS 23.2.1 151
110  ffmpeg AlwaysMovie JMJS 22.12.6 154
109  7za a abc.zip abc -> tar -c -z -f abc.zip abc JMJS 22.11.30 157
108  convert mogrify JMJS 23.2.1 239
107  [sh]array JMJS 19.8.14 292
106  arithmetic in a makefile, shell pwd export JMJS 17.9.8 4345
105  Split and merge large files JMJS 16.3.21 944
104  [Makefile]random JMJS 14.12.5 1333
100  À©µµ¿ì7 ¿ë·®ºÎÁ· winsxs Æú´õ ÃÖÀûÈ­ JMJS 14.10.14 2265
99  [sh,csh]while loop JMJS 13.2.6 2304
98  hostname, hostid, /sbin/ifconfig eth0 JMJS 13.1.4 4317
97  [linux]fedora 16 gome-shell extension JMJS 12.3.12 1996
96  [linux]fedora 16 grub boot order change JMJS 12.3.10 2238
95  [linux]fedora Input Method,ibus,hangul JMJS 12.3.8 1926
94  [linux]audio,mp3,mplayer,gstreamer,vlc JMJS 12.3.7 2644
93  [sh].wrapper example JMJS 11.6.15 2248
92  [make]for loop JMJS 11.9.8 1921
91  [make]conditional expression JMJS 11.5.12 1812
90  [make]shell ½ÇÇà JMJS 11.3.9 1946
89  [wish]jplot JMJS 10.5.12 1592
88  yum JMJS 09.8.12 1628
87  [CYGWIN]X setupÇϱâ JMJS 10.8.6 2966
86  [Make]Makefile Brief JMJS 10.8.6 1655
85  ldd /user/bin/xterm JMJS 09.4.24 1337
84  [HTML]¾îµµºñ SVG ºä¾î¿Í HTML JMJS 09.4.24 1914
83  [DOS]DOS command JMJS 09.7.20 1594
82  [DOS]DOS command brief JMJS 07.2.21 2074
81  À¥ÆäÀÌÁö ¼Ò½ºº¸±â JMJS 09.4.24 1592
80  [html]ÀÚµ¿À¸·Î ±ÛÀÚ»ö ¹Ù²ñ JMJS 07.1.10 1533
79  [html]º¹»ç, µå·¡±× ±ÝÁö JMJS 07.1.10 2031
78  [csh]cshell¿¡¼­ function ¸ø¾´´Ù³×¿ä JMJS 11.3.17 1587
77  ¸®´ª½º¿¡¼­ i386,i586,i686, x86ÀÇ Â÷ÀÌÁ¡ JMJS 06.10.16 1847
76  [CSH]$status JMJS 06.8.21 1304
75  [sh]substr, read, until,IFS,for,dirname JMJS 14.12.19 1507
74  [sh]rgbview.sh . hello.sh JMJS 10.11.30 1428
73  automount - /etc/fstab JMJS 06.2.23 1441
72  lmutil.csh JMJS 05.11.8 1768
71  È­ÀÏÀ̸§¿¡ ¸ø¿À´Â ¹®ÀÚ JMJS 05.9.8 1555
70  /usr/ucb /usr/ccs JMJS 05.9.5 1428
69  Solaris Version JMJS 05.9.5 1648
68  /usr/ccs/bin/nm -x debpli.so JMJS 05.8.31 1914
67  tar, gzip, zcat, uncompress, mn(.a ÆÄÀϺ¸±â) JMJS 13.1.6 1767
66  find . -name -print -exec perl JMJS 09.4.17 1733
65  pkgadd -d packagefile JMJS 05.5.9 1470
64  prstat JMJS 08.10.2 1720
63  vi ¸í·É¾î, vim¸í·É¾î gvim JMJS 24.4.28 4880
62  multiple directory ¿¡¼­ grep ? JMJS 04.5.31 1890
61  [csh].cshrc_axis JMJS 04.5.14 1750
60  [csh].cshrc_modelsim JMJS 04.5.14 1873
59  [csh].cshrc_cadence JMJS 04.5.14 1908
58  [csh].cshrc_novas JMJS 04.5.14 1794
57  [csh].cshrc_verisity JMJS 04.5.14 2169
56  lmgrd JMJS 09.6.22 2495
55  [csh]which case JMJS 04.5.14 1757
54  [bash]example 2 JMJS 04.5.12 1992
53  [bash]example 1 JMJS 04.5.12 1861
52  fedora 12¿¡¼­ touchpad disable JMJS 11.1.17 1937
51  [Perl]Çѱ¹¾î ÀÎÄÚµù JMJS 04.1.16 2751
50  [Perl]HTML¿¡¼­ ±âÈ£ Ç¥½Ã¸¦ À§ÇÑ ¹®ÀÚġȯ JMJS 04.1.5 10935
49  [csh]make awk JMJS 03.6.6 2138
48  [csh]wordsplit JMJS 03.6.6 1778
47  [csh]vi2 JMJS 03.6.6 1621
46  [csh]cat.csh JMJS 03.6.6 1679
45  [csh]chgword.csh JMJS 03.6.6 1628
44  [bash]password JMJS 11.3.9 1527
43  [Tcl]bi2int JMJS 02.11.29 1534
42  [PC]ask °Ë»öâÀÌ ÀÚ²Ù ¶á´Ù¸é JMJS 09.4.24 2047
41  [csh]backup_copyc.csh; foreach; continue JMJS 09.4.24 1708
40  uname, uname -s -r, uname -p, uname -a JMJS 09.4.24 1908
39  [tk]»õ â ¿­°í ´Ý±â ¿¹Á¦ JMJS 09.4.24 11515
38  [sh]if [[ "$abc" == "abc" && "$bbc" == "bbc" ]]; ... JMJS 11.3.17 1646
37  [expect]expect_scp.exp JMJS 11.3.9 1697
36  ssh -x -l soc lion scp -r ... JMJS 11.3.9 1499
35  TclTk ¹è¿­ JMJS 09.7.20 1584
34  ./configure make make install JMJS 11.1.13 1514
33  [csh]diff JMJS 10.7.14 1572
32  tr abc 123 < file1 > file2 JMJS 11.4.11 1513
31  Installing RPMforge JMJS 10.2.8 1605
30  [ű×]±ÛÀÚ»öÀÌ »ç¶óÁü JMJS 09.4.24 1657
29  [ű×]ÀÚµ¿À¸·Î ±ÛÀÚ»öÀÌ º¯ÇÔ JMJS 09.4.24 1645
28  ±ÛÀÚÅÂ±× ¸ðÀ½ JMJS 09.4.24 1801
27  »ö»ó¸í°ú RGB°ª Ç¥ JMJS 09.4.24 1807
26  RGB »ö»óÇ¥ JMJS 09.4.24 1964
25  ÇѱÛƯ¼ö¹®ÀÚÇ¥ JMJS 09.4.24 1875
24  bc -l JMJS 01.5.22 1564
23  file *,  od -xc *, cat * JMJS 01.3.28 1879
22  Linux Memo JMJS 09.7.20 1717
21  xterm -fn 10x20 & JMJS 12.3.7 1554
20  W/S Tip JMJS 09.4.29 1637
19  [awk]example JMJS 10.10.30 1872
18  [csh].cshrc JMJS 11.6.21 2330
17  stop & background job JMJS 00.11.14 1519
16  W/S shout down JMJS 00.11.14 1504
15  [sed]example JMJS 16.9.5 1889
14  [DOS]Memo JMJS 00.10.29 1625
13  [csh]¸®½ºÆ®¸¦ ¸¸µé¾î foreach·Î ó¸®ÇÒ¶§ JMJS 00.10.7 5357
12  [Tcl]Tool Command Language JMJS 09.7.24 3022
11  [csh]vi.csh JMJS 00.6.27 1632
10  [csh]Check Process JMJS 00.6.27 1568
9  [csh]Get Character and get char without 'return' JMJS 10.2.8 1700
8  [csh]foreach SED JMJS 00.6.27 2007
7  [Window]¿À·ùº¸°í ¾È ¶ß°ÔÇÏ´Â ¹æ¹ý JMJS 09.9.23 1582
6  [csh]echo.csh JMJS 00.6.27 1761
5  set DDD = `date '+%y%m'` JMJS 00.6.27 1487
4  [SH]Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide JMJS 09.4.24 1438
3  [csh]Beep : echo ^G;sleep 1 JMJS 00.6.27 1778
2  [csh]if ($abc == $bbc) then _ else _ endif JMJS 00.6.27 1972
1  [csh]ARGV JMJS 00.6.27 2045